Grid is a two dimensional layout , which is used for styling purposes in a webpage . A lot of people confuse flex and grid but flex is used for single dimensional, grid gives us more control on our webpage because grid divides a page into row and column and we can fix the width and height of these columns and rows.We have some parent and child property in grid.
Grid Parent Properties
This is a basic property in the grid if we apply a grid in a container then we must use display:grid.
With the help of this property we can define the width of columns. We can use %,px and fr to define the width of columns. Ex-grid-template-column:100px 100px;
It is similar to grid-template-column, in which we define the width and height of rows. Ex-grid-template-row:100px 100px;
*We can also use repete() function to set the width and height of rows and columns. Ex-grid-template-column:repete(3,1fr); {It will create three columns with the same width.}
It will set some gap(margin) between column and row.
Ex- gap: 10px 20px; /row-gap column-gap/
It will palace items in different positions in a cell.It works horizontally in the grid. Like-center,left,right,bottom etc. We have some values to do this work.
- Start-it will align items to their starting edge of their cell.
- End-it will align items to their ending edge of their cell.
- Center-it align in the center.
- Stretch-it will occupy the full width of the cell.
It will place items in a vertical direction in the grid. We also have some values in it.
- Stretch-it will fill the whole height in the cell.
- Start- it aligns items in the starting edge of their cell.
- End-it will align in the ending edge of their cell.
- Center- it aligns in the center.
Whenever your grid size is less than your grid-container , then this property will adjust your grid in the grid-container. We have some values to do this work.Justify-content works horizontally.
- Start-it align your grid with the starting edge of the grid-container .
- end-it align your grid with the ending edge of the grid-container .
- Center-it will center your grid.
- Space-between-it gives space between your grid-columns.
- space-around-it gives space around your grid-columns.
- Space-evenly-it distributes space equally between grid-columns.
When your grid-container size is more than your grid then this property will help you to align content in the grid-container. This property works in a vertical direction.We also have some value to align the content in the grid-container.
- start-it align your grid with the starting edge of the grid-container .
- end-it align your grid with the ending edge of the grid-container .
- Center-it will center your grid(vertically).
- Space-between-it gives space between your grid-rows.
- space-around-it gives space around your grid-rows.
- Space-evenly-it distributes space equally between grid-rows.
Grid Child Properties:
It will help you to position your cell in the grid. It changes the cell position by column.This denotes where the cell will start.
It denotes where the cell ends.
We also stretch cells in the row with the help of grid-row-start,grid-row-end.