Introduction to Web and HTML


Web is the common name of the World Wide Web ,people use this name commonly. When the internet comes into the picture and it spreads around the globe then we need something to share information with the internet then this World Wide Web comes into picture ,these websites are handled by browsers like-chrome,edge,brave etc.There are a lot of tools and programming language which make a website functional. Like - server,html,css,javaScript etc.


Server is a computer program which serves other computer programs. Like- We store some data on the server when we want that data then we make a request to the server and it revert it back.

Live Server:

Live Server is a tool for VS Code. When we develop a website this live server creates a local host on our computer and it will update the state every moment.


HTML known as ## HyperText Markup Language , html is the basic component of a website or html is the skeleton of a website.html has many tags like-h1,head,body,img,html,meta. With the help of these tags we create the skeleton of a website and insert some data with the help of these tags.

h1 Tag:

H1 tag is a heading tag which is used for heading.

img Tag:

Img tag is an image tag which is used for images.img tag has some attributes like alt,src etc. Alt-alternative text. Src-source.