Video and Audio Tag

Video Tag:

The video element allows you to add a video in the html page very easily.

There are a number of features you include in your video tag.


It contains the path for a video you want to embed.


It is very important to control your video. It gives you controls to control the video.


When the video is finished , it will start again.


It starts the video without sound.


We can attach any image as a thumbnail of video with this feature.

 <video src="videos/pexels-laker-6157131.mp4" width="400" controls poster="img/julien-mussard-OApeDBma_zY-unsplash.jpg" loop>
          Your browser doesn't support HTML video. Here is a
          <a href="rabbit320.webm">link to the video</a> instead.

Audio Tag:

The audio element is the same as the video element and it works like the video element.

<audio src="audio/drop-it-124014.mp3" controls></audio>

The audio element also has multiple features just like the video element.


It contains the path for the audio you want to embed.


It is very important to control your audio. It gives you controls to control the audio. Like - play,pause,forward etc


It starts the audio without sound.